Friday, November 14, 2008

I wish I knew how to play the Piano

I was listening to a song a while ago. It was a cool song. Killer guitars, solid bass, catchy drums. But then, there was this really cool part of the song where everything fades behind the lyrics. And then it comes, the gentle keyboards behind the singer's voice. As if to amplify the ambiance of the song. The keyboard goes on for some time. It was so soulful, so smooth, so blah. No words to describe it. Then the entire bravado of the song comes when all the instruments play. Ang astig talaga ng music.

That's when it hit me. I wish I knew how to play the piano. or any instrument for that matter. I wish I could outlet all my emotions into one melody of sorts. Just like these musicians.

There's something about music that makes you just want to grab a guitar and go. Sometimes, when I listen to a song, I can help but tap my fingers to the beat. It's as if I want to be the drummer behind the guitar and the bass rocking along. Sometimes, the song just take me by the ear and I just have to sing along. The melody. The rhythm. The beat. It all comes together to make something that is just too amazing for words at times.

I think God just gave a piece of the puzzle called music. He didn't give me the finger of a guitar god. Nor the perfect ears for beat of a drummer. I didn't even get the aura of the bassist. And sadly, I also didn't get the hardwired tuning of a lead singer. Instead, God gave me the pen and paper. He gave me words to live with. There's something about writing that suddenly makes me click and all of a sudden, the pen, the paper, and the words i write on them suddenly become a mirror to myself. I can suddenly express myself on a black sheet of paper.

I guess that's my instrument. They say the pen is mightier than the sword. They didn't say anything about guitars though. So yeah, I'm still wishing I could play an instrument. XD


Marckie San Juan said...

Butterflies and Hurricanes ba yan? :D