Monday, November 17, 2008

There's this Door

I was walking through the dorm's halls one night. Noticed the same things. Looked for the same people in the same rooms. Asked some what was the homework. Asked some for answers to the homework.

Then I came across this door. When you walk the halls of the dorm, the doors to people's rooms are always to your right. But then there's this door. Then again, there are two actually, that if you walk the entire square of the hall, they're to your left. No one notices them. One door has a part of it broken so some of us throw garbage inside it. We know it's empty. But then the other one's always locked. No way to look inside.

Logically, there would be nothing inside. It would be just an empty room with a discarded Voice cracker wrapper as random garbage. It would probably be a dusty room, with some cobwebs on the side. No light bulb inside.

But then again, that would be boring as hell now wouldn't it. After reading a few Sandman comics, I get this imaginative state of mind wherein ideas of the hypothetical suddenly pop out everywhere.

That door should have something to make it more mysterious. Maybe, it really is a dark room, with cobwebs on the side... and a corpse in one dark corner. Or it should have some physically impossible doorway to the SHB. Or maybe it should have a turned off cyborg that if you look a little more closely, you'd find out it was the dorm manager. Gasp. Or maybe everyone goes in that room when I'm not looking and play Poker or something. And I'm the butt end of the joke of the secrecy. Or maybe when everyone's asleep, the place morphs into a medium for everyone's dreams all crumpled into one.

Everyone's always told me that when it comes to describing me. What you see is what you get. You'd get my life story by just looking at me. To a certain degree, it is true. I'm about as deep as a puddle, but then there are a select group people out there who know me just about 20,000 leagues deeper. Who just like that door, have taken the time to take a peek inside. Who've seen me take off the masks when there's no one else looking.

Logically, I'm just a door to an empty room. The most amazing thing about me is my doorknob which you could sell off somewhere for a quick buck. What you see is a door, what you get is a door. But then again, screw logic. I'm not an empty room.

Maybe I'll try to open that door next week. I'll bring a lock pick. Take my time.